AAS Past International Conference

Association of Asia Scholars
International Virtual Conference
Political Economy of Climate Change
(With two distinct strands for two volumes)
A. Politics of Climate Change: Convergences and Divergences in Asia
Conference Chair and Co-Chair: Theme A: Prof. Swaran Singh and Dr. Reena Marwah
B. Economics of Climate Change: Convergences and Divergences in Asia
Conference Chair and Co-Chair: Theme B: Prof. Lakhwinder Singh and Prof. Sukhpal Singh
• Abstracts by 25 July 2021
• Notification of Selected Abstracts: 15 August, 2021
• Full Papers by 10 October 2021
• Workshop with contributors of selected Abstracts 22-23 October 2021
Final International Conference 26, 27, 28 November 2021
Abstract word limit: 300 words
Send your abstract @
Email: aas.intlconference@gmail.com
Theme A: Politics of Climate Change: Convergences and Divergences in Asia
The year 2020 was a watershed event in the history of climate change politics. It marked the end of the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol and the beginning of the ambitious Paris Agreement, a non-binding instrument that reflects the key shifts and balances in global politics of climate change. It was also the year of the pandemic, which scourged the world and continues to ravage many parts of the world. The disruption caused by the pandemic carries severe implications on a global scale, which range from the return of hunger, poverty, and food insecurity to the return of geopolitics and mistrust. The pandemic also brought before the world the severity and scale of the transboundary challenges in a globally interconnected world. It exposed the weaknesses of the global institutions and governance structures to tackle the complex and imminent threat of climate change.
As the states begin to prepare for the future of global climate change negotiations at the upcoming COP26 event, there has been a significant shift in the politics of climate change at all levels. The negotiations will take place in the shadows of the pandemic which has managed to challenge the political lethargy and non-committal attitudes of states on the climate change question, or what the sociologist Anthony Giddens has described as the central paradox of climate change politics which states that, “since the dangers posed by global warming aren’t tangible, immediate or visible in the course of day to day life, however awesome they appear, many will sit on their hands and do nothing of a concrete nature about them. Yet waiting until they become visible and acute before taking serious action will, by definition, be too late.”
Climate change, unlike in the past, is now a hot issue on the political high tables. It has also spilled outside these negotiating spaces and into the public sphere. The politics of climate change, which was limited to the UNFCCC and COP events, is now a far wider concern. Whether it is the school strikes led by children or the indigenous struggles of marginalised populations, the politics of climate change today is far more diverse, representative and active. At the same time, we can witness the shifts in the state’s understanding of the problem as well, which are actively inquiring about its security and geopolitical dimensions. The boundaries between traditional and non-traditional threats to security are getting blurred as climate change and its myriad impacts wreak havoc on ecosystem resilience, state’s welfare capacity and everyday lives of people.
Therefore, it is critical to pose the question about the nature of global climate change politics in the post-pandemic and climate insecure world. Who will be its main actors, main stakeholders and losers? How will questions of equity, sustainability and finance interplay at the COP26 event and thereafter? How will developing and poor countries engage with the issue in the next phase of climate politics? Finally, how will the ambition of the Paris Agreement, which is reflected in the language of net-zero targets and the two degrees Celsius temperature goals, be brought to action.
Sub-themes ( tentative)
- Global Governance and Climate Change post-pandemic
- Global Commons and Climate Change: National and regional responses
- Accords and Discord: Common but Differentiated Responsibilities
- Littoral States and the politics of climate change
- Multilateralism and Climate Change
- Role of UN Agencies
- Role of International Non-Governmental Organizations and other international Non-State Actors
Theme B: Economics of Climate Change
Climate change has become an overriding developmental concern as it affects all spheres of economic and social activity globally and within national economies. There is an awareness at the policy and development agency or civil society level to assess its magnitude, impacts and mechanisms to deal with it guided by SDGs and other global fora level targets. Asia is a distinctive partner in the global growth process and any adverse impact of climate change will have a far-reaching consequence for its economies. Asian nations have recognized the responsibilities of the planet earth and accordingly are making changes in the institutions, processes, and human behavior to become climate resilient. They are also making appropriate investments to develop safe and sustainable processes and innovations for making the economic development process sustainable and at the same time, more inclusive. However, given the relatively underdeveloped and developing state of economies in Asia, there are concerns about the trade-off which may be needed to tackle climate change challenges. Since the Asian economies themselves are highly differentiated, there are national and local level measures and strategies which seem more relevant and practical. Also, there are various perspectives within economic and development studies which include simple economic measures whether fiscal or monetary to achieve the purpose, the political economy perspective, and the institutional perspective which need equal attention in the socio-cultural and economic and environmental resource context of Asia. In this context, the major themes for research contributions would be:
- Global and regional climate commitments and their political economy
- Impact of climate change on production and productivity across countries and industries/sectors
- National level policies and strategies for climate change management and cross country comparisons within Asia, including their political economy
- Sector specific climate change issues and policy needs
- Climate change and agricultural sector and food security issues
- Green measures for climate change management and their effectiveness
- Assessment of sector specific policy mechanisms and their effectiveness
- Local level impacts of climate change, community response and their perceptions o Marginalised communities and regions and impact of climate change
- Climate change finance and carbon trading mechanisms and their adequacy
- SDGs and climate change interface and ways to enhance the convergence
- Role of various institutions and organisations in combating climate change e.g. NGOs, government agencies and the private sector
- Gender dimension of climate change impact and gendered solutions o Climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies
- Technology, equity, inclusion, and climate change
- Innovations in Energy production, consumption and distribution
- Cost of delayed or non-action on climate change
- 4th industrial revolution and climate change dynamics
- Covid-19 pandemic and implications for climate change
Objective of the Conference:
The central objective of this conference is to explore the relevant themes and aspects embedded in the climate change discourses, both in theory and practice. The organizers hope to engage with all involved to increase climate ambition, build resilience and lower emissions.
Who should Participate:
The proposed conference seeks to engage eminent scholars, academicians, analysts, and experts from India and abroad to discuss the various aspects of aspects and dimensions of climate change impacting countries, regions and the world. The Conference also provides a platform for policy practitioners for undertaking serious deliberations on the various sub-themes.