About us
We bring together scholars from all over the globe to engage in dialogue and debate on issues of contemporary relevance. AAS has been continuously working since November 2005 in India's national interest and for global peace and harmony.
Welcome To Association of ASIA Scholars
The Association of ASIA Scholars (AAS) is an initiative of the Alumni of the Asian Scholarship Foundation fellowship awardees from South Asia committed to the building and sustaining of an Asian interdisciplinary Network amongst Asian scholars engaged in Asian Studies. The Association was officially registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 on November 10, 2005 in New Delhi, India, with Registration No.S-5417. AAS received the permanent FCRA registration number 231660945 dated November 10, 2008.
Following the Ninth Annual Fellows Conference, AAS is now the officially recognized Alumni association of the ASF, with three regional Committees (for China, South Asia and Southeast Asia) having being constituted by the representative body of the Alumni.
The AAS regularly conducts various academic projects, International conferences, webinars, lecture series etc, details of which can be accessed at asiascholars.in
AAS envisions establishing through its network of Asia fellows, Chairs and Study Groups (within Universities and Institutions) a dedicated Asian Studies forum for the research and study of International Politics from an Asian Perspective, also study of Asian countries, societies, language and literature, which embodies the true Asian spirit and ethos.