Millennial Asia An International Journal of Association of Asia Scholars, New Delhi, India
Inaugural Issue: January to June 2010 Theme: Asian Economy, Society And Polity
About Millennial Asia:
An International Journal of Association of Asia Scholars is a multidisciplinary double-blind refereed biannual journal of the Association of Asia Scholars (AAS)- an alumni association of the Asia Fellows of the Asian Scholarship Foundation (ASF), Bangkok, Thailand.
Aims and Scope:
- To encourage multifaceted and multidisciplinary Asian studies, in order to understand economic and social changes accompanying the emergence of Asia as a growth pole of the global economy, and to understand its several patterns and regions beyond nation-states.
- To provide a forum among Asian scholars worldwide for dialogue on emerging Asian issues.
- To disseminate high-quality research on Asia by Asian scholars and to promote dialogue between the international academic community and policymakers of Asian countries and regions.
- To provide exposure to global research issues and trends relevant to research on Asia.
- To encourage cross-disciplinary communication among Asian-oriented scholars everywhere, the journal will focus attention primarily on the works of Asian scholars situated globally. But it will also welcome contributions from scholars of Asian Studies from around the world.
This international and interdisciplinary English-language peer-refereed journal publishes research on Asia, primarily in the social sciences and humanities.
The Journal examines Asia on a regional basis, emphasizing patterns and tendencies that go beyond national borders. For example, intra-Asian networks have played a major role in shaping modern Asia, but their internal operations and position within worldwide networks remain poorly understood.
Modern and contemporary Asia has witnessed dynamic transformations in cultures, societies, economics and politics, among others. Today, it confronts issues of collective identity formation, ecological crisis, rapid economic change, and the resurgence of religion.
The clarification of past experiences can help produce a deeper understanding of contemporary Asian change. In particular, the journal is interested in locating contemporary changes within a historical framework, through the use of interdisciplinary approaches. This way, it hopes to promote comparative studies involving Asia’s various regions.
The journal will consist of both thematic and general issues and is published twice a year. Thrust areas are: Asian integration, economic, cultural, political, and social change, governance, securities studies, development issues, arts and literature and any other issue deemed fit to the editorial board.
Coverage: Entire Asia including South Asia, East Asia, South-East Asia, Central and West Asia.